Dr. Lawrence Filippelli
Phone: 401-721-3313
filippellil@lincolnps.orgNicole Beck
Secretary to the Superintendent
Phone: 401-721-3313
August 22, 2024
Greetings Lincoln Parents and Guardians,
Welcome back to the 2024-2025 school year! It has been an amazingly busy but gratifying summer as we embarked on some fantastic upgrades at all of our schools. It is always so refreshing to see all of our students come back to school at the beginning of the year and be excited to learn and grow for another school year. Lincoln has continued our vision and focus on being a world class educational experience for our students and we certainly have some outstanding accomplishments and focus points for the start of the school year. The purpose of this communication is to highlight what we have achieved last year and to share some of the exciting new changes that will be going on this year:
Our PEC was completed on time and on budget. We saw the opening of this building in Fall of 2023 and it was a major improvement to not only the LHS campus but also to the PE curriculum for our students, our sports team and town leagues as well.
The EL Curriculum continues to be implemented this year at a high level by all of our elementary and middle school teachers. Likewise, the Eureka2 math curriculum has been implemented at the elementary level. These have been a crucially important piece of our vision, our long-range planning, and our curriculum alignment strategies.
We have major construction projects going on at all of our schools:
New gymnasiums, STEM room and classroom at all four elementary schools by June of 2025
HVAC at Northern by June of 2025
HVAC upgrades at all elementary cafeterias currently underway
Reimagined cafeterias at all four elementary schools by June of 2025
New practice field at LHS
New turf fields at LMS
New intercom system at LMS
New signs at LHS
New entryway at LHS with new lettering and Lion Logo
We continue with our PK-12 Lincoln Lion Learner initiative and the branding of our district. New branding is in place on the doors of the LHS Gym and we will continue with this branding in the district throughout the school year.
Food Truck! Our food truck had some major events this year including winning the Best Dessert category for the Commissioners Cup and also serving a private waterfire event for the Governor’s Office and an upcoming waterfire event for RIDE!
These are some of the bigger accomplishments and plans for our district as we start our school year. Our teachers, administrators and support staff continue to work hard to make our student experiences positive and our academics rigorous but supportive for all kids.
If you would like to view the plans for all of the upgrades to our schools plus pictures of progress, please click HERE to be directed to the LPS Construction and Capital Upgrades page of our district website. Our owner's project manager, Downes Corporation updates this site monthly so stay tuned into all of the exciting updates at all of our schools.
Important Note for Elementary Parents:
As the construction processes take shape at all of our elementary schools this year, there will be definite changes to the traffic flow at Northern Elementary School as well as potential, temporary, changes to the traffic flow at the other elementary schools. To this end, I am asking that all parents make every effort to have your children ride the bus to and/or from school whenever possible to alleviate some of the dropoff and pick-up congestion. Also, as with all major construction projects, please excuse our appearance as we get the schools ready and teachers reassemble their classrooms.
Our district continues to be highly committed to student and staff safety and security at all levels. Lincoln Public Schools is continuing its relationship with SENTRY which is a Department of Homeland Security center of excellence, and housed at Northeastern University. Additionally, new camera systems have been installed at all of our elementary schools providing interior and exterior coverage of our schools and a new intercom system has been installed at our middle school. Lincoln High School was proud to host the 2024 RI School Safety Committee Annual Conference on August 15th where over 270 educational and safety stakeholders learned about important topics such as threat assessments, swatting calls and the new Emergency Drills Act.
In closing, I wish you all a wonderful and safe new school year. It goes without saying that we have an incredibly supportive school committee, town council, town administrator and budget board that all help to support our schools to make coming to Lincoln Public Schools a wonderful experience for your children. As parents, “thank you” for your continued support of our schools, our district and our town as we continue to create a world class education system for our students and families in Lincoln!
Dr. Filippelli
--Lawrence P. Filippelli, Ed.D.SuperintendentLincoln Public Schools401-721-3313"Lincoln Lions: Our Students, Our Pride, Our Future" -