- Lincoln High School
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- “Why Lincoln High School is Right For Me…”
PBGR – Proficiency Based Graduation Requirements
Exhibition is a culminating event in a student’s high school career specifically designed for every student to demonstrate proficiency in the Applied Learning Standards: problem solving, critical thinking, research, communication, reflection and evaluation. This semester long course culminates in a formal presentation of a comprehensive “research” project centered on a student’s personal interest with written work compiled into a formal binder and an oral presentation enhanced with a visual presentation to showcase to the panel of judges their work to meet or exceed standard. Students not only work in class with a Lincoln High School teacher, but with an approved mentor to guide students in successfully completing their work.
- For the last 10 Exhibition Days (past 5 years) the combined pass rate has been 85%
- The last Exhibition Day (Semester 1 of 2019-2020) the passing rate has been 93%
- All Exhibition documents and material can be found in the students' Google Classroom
- Stuck on picking your topic? Working with your mentor on finalizing your end-product/solution? Click here for help!
- Students taking Exhibition will be required to select and work with a mentor for 7 hours during the course of completing their projects. Mentors MUST receive and submit a criminal background check (BCI) before they can work with a student. Failing to complete this component will nullify any hours submitted for approval. Lincoln residents may receive a free BCI report from the Lincoln Police Department. For residents of Lincoln, please see our notice in regards to acquiring this locally. For further information on the RI law requiring BCI checks for volunteers/mentors, please click here to learn more about Rhode Island General Laws 16-2-18.4
- Exhibition Dates:
- January 10, 2025
- May 23, 2025
School-Wide Rubrics
- Click here for in-depth look and access to our School-Wide Rubrics
- Student Performance Data on School-Wide Rubrics 2018-2019
- Student Performance Data on School-Wide Rubrics 2017-2018
Contact information:
Mr. Paul Dalpe – PBGR Coordinator: dalpep@lincolnps.org
- Rhode Island Department of Education – further information in regards to state standards/expectations for graduation requirements